"when you tell one lie it leads to Another"
-Paul Hatch
Lying is never right like Seth Slater says "We say it’s wrong. We use euphemistic terms like “white lie” or
“fibbing” to ease our guilt. We superstitiously cross our fingers behind
our backs, as if to somehow suspend the rules and judge ourselves on
the right side of communicative fair play And, oh, the tangled webs we weave when first we practice to deceive. Like that line? I made it up myself. Just now. Honest.If lying creates such headaches, then why do we do it? Because, let’s
face it, we just can’t seem to help ourselves. It turns out that where
lying is concerned, the cards are stacked against us, both by behavioral
conditioning as well as by cognitive evolutionary biology.Behavior first. Who among us doesn’t love
the thrill of a crap shoot? Especially when the stakes are high. Win or
lose, all or nothing. We roll the dice and reap our reward – sometimes.
If we win, more often than not, we roll again. And if we lose – you
guessed it – we roll again anyway most of the time.That’s because a crap game keeps us almost irresistibly hooked by its very nature
– and by ours. Payoffs are unpredictable, delivered on what is known as
a variable schedule of reward. Precisely the kind of schedule that most
strongly maintains any learned behavior. Lying works the same way..." It proggresavly gets harder to keep that one white lie and that lie is only gonna get bigger and guilt is aventually gonna build up until you break
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